Prior to hosting a meet, be sure you have your meet registration page configured properly. There is a good review video on our support site that will guide you through the process, or you can always email us with questions.
If you do not have an access code, teams will automatically be able to register without your approval.
When you are ready to start registration for your meet, there are now several ways of instructing your visiting coaches to register.
Option 1: You can go to the "Teams" tab for the meet and enter in the email addresses of all the coaches and a pre-written email with the relevant information will be sent to each coach.
For options 2 and 3 you must have "Show Register URL on Meet Page" set to "Yes" in your meet registration settings for the meet.
Option 2 (you need to tell them this)
- Go to and click meet registration
- Click on the name of your meet.
- Click “Register for this meet” on the left hand side.
- If you are requiring an access code, be sure you have provided them with the access code.
Option 3:
- Go to your team website (eg. and click on the meet name on your schedule.
- Click “Register for this meet” on the left hand side.
- If you are requiring an access code, be sure you have provided them with the access code.
Option 4
- Send them the direct link found on the registration settings page of the admin panel. It might look something like this:
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